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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



China Explores Solar Ponds Shaded By Panels To Farm Sea Cucumbers And Generate Power

China Explores Solar Ponds Shaded By Panels To Farm Sea Cucumbers And Generate Power

By: Eric Martinez, Journalist
China is pioneering the use of solar ponds shaded by solar panels to combine sea cucumber farming with renewable energy production.
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Scientists Generate Power From Fruit Peel Using Triboelectric Device

Scientists Generate Power From Fruit Peel Using Triboelectric Device

By: Jason Rodriguez, Journalist
Scientists have discovered a way to harness electrical energy from fruit peels by using triboelectric devices that convert the static charge produced through friction into power. To use fruit peels for energy, scientists first dry them out and prepare them.
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Source: Commonwealth Fusion Systems

Commonwealth Fusion Systems Is Going To Build The First Fusion Power Plant In Virginia

By: James McMurtray, Journalist
Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS) Plans to build a commercial fusion reactor in Chesterfield County, VA. The plant is supposed to begin construction around 2030.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology