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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



"Ball Bearing Fidget Spinner" by Schill is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

Ball Bearings And How It Works

By: Phu-Duc Nguyen, Journalist
There are 4 parts that are essential to make the bearing spin: the inner ring, outer ring, metal balls, cage, and seal.
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The Hyper loop

The Hyper loop

What if you could travel at 700 mph? Well you can with the Hyper Loop. It can take you from Los Angles to San Francisco (which is 400 miles) in 30 minutes. The Hyper Loop can reach unpredictable speeds...

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Many people think that curling is boring. I'm one of those people.  But as it turns out, there's more to curling than I thought. Curling debuted in the Olympics in 1924, but didn't officially become a...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology