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ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math



The Evolution and Impact of Wireless Communication on Society

The Evolution and Impact of Wireless Communication on Society

By: Basheir Khalid, Journalist
Wireless communication has changed the way we connect and talk to each other. It all started with the telegraph in the 19th century, which allowed messages to be sent over long distances using electrical signals. This was the beginning of wireless communication without the need for physical wires. The development of radio technology allowed for audio broadcasts and later, television transmissions.
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a close up of a keyboard

ESTEEM Center Podcasting

By: Noah Yazdani, Journalist
The ESTEEM Center developed a podcasting studio where students can speak about any of their aspirations.
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man in blue hoodie with red cross on his head

How to Spot Lies

By: Evan Nghe, Journalist
People get lied to everyday, but how do we find out when someone is lying? Most of the lies are simple, but they can still be harmful.
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When did you buy your first phone? How long do you use your phone a day? Phones have been a big part of our life since they were invented. They are the best way of communication. Phones started as big...

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ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math