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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



short-haired black cat besides brown wooden table

Ancient Mammals Grew Dark Fur to Avoid Being Eaten By Dinosaurs

By: Aidan Pham, Journalist
Prehistoric mammals used dark fur to survive the age of dinosaurs. These mammals blended into the shadows to avoid being eaten by dinosaurs at night using their monochrome coats as camouflage.
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a man in a military uniform standing next to a group of people

The History Of Camouflage And How It Improved

By: Joe Rojas Perez, Journalist
What is camouflage? ( it can also be known as cryptic coloration) camouflage is a mix of different colors, materials, or illuminationĀ  to conceal or hide the person who is wearing it no matter what environment it is. The amount of time camouflage has been around for the amount of time animals have been around.
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"Tawny Frogmouth" by Tatters āœ¾ is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Frogmouths: Nocturnal Masters of Camouflage

By: Julia Clavecillas, Reporter
Often mistaken to be owls, frogmouths have wide eyes to help them see in the dark. However, unlike owls, frogmouths have broad, hooked beaks and weak feet and legs.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology