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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



This is a photo of hydroponics.

How Hydroponics Will Take Over Argiculture

By: Oliver Novack, Journalist
Hydroponics is rapidlly becoming the more efficient way of farming rather than the traditional method witch takes more resources and space.
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silver fishes underwater

Aquaponics Fish Growth Using an AST Bead Filter System

By: Tiger Deng, Journalist
Aquaponics Fish Growth Journey, using an 260-gallon AST MDC 1000 system. 50 fish take roughly 6 months (190 plus/minus 10-20 days) to grow to full size of 1 pound.
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Aquaponics Beta Test

Aquaponics Beta Test

A summery of what we have learned about our small scale aquaponics system and our plans for the 2022-2023 school year.
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Deepwater Aquaponics Floating Rafts Growing Lettuce, Basil and Arugula
ACES | David Cline

Aquaponics-The Future Farm

By: Yusuf Lashin, Jounralist

What are Aquaponics? Well aquaponics is a really interesting sustainable method for food growth and production. It combines traditional aquacultures (cultivation of water animals as clams, fish, crayfish,...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology