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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Yusuf Lashin

Wing’s New Delivery Network Will Increase Drone Delivery Efficiency

By: Yusuf Lashin, Journalist
Would you like to learn about Wing's new delivery system? Then this article is just right for you!

Microsoft’s AI Can Translate Your Voice Into Foreign Languages

By: Yusuf Lashin, Journalist
Do you want to know how Microsoft can translate your voice into foreign languages? Then this article is for you!

SpaceX and T-Mobile partner up to link satellites to cell phones

By: Yusuf Lashin, Journalist
How did SpaceX and T-Mobile partner up to link satellites to cell phones?
Aquaponics Beta Test

Aquaponics Beta Test

A summery of what we have learned about our small scale aquaponics system and our plans for the 2022-2023 school year.

Aquaponics-The Future Farm

By: Yusuf Lashin, Jounralist

What are Aquaponics? Well aquaponics is a really interesting sustainable method for food growth and production. It combines traditional aquacultures (cultivation of water animals as clams, fish, crayfish,...

Are Cybertrucks coming in 2023?

By: Yusuf Lashin, Journalist
"The next-gen pickup might come with some design flaws." Does this mean that Cybertrucks will be coming out in 2023 or not?

Scientists revealed 4 colors to wear to avoid mosquito bites

By: Yusuf Lashin, Journalist
Scientists revealed 4 colors to wear to avoid mosquito bites. You want to know which ones? This is the article for you!

Chemical Rainmakers

By: Yusuf Lashin, Journalist
Do you want to know how China is trying to create Chemical Rain? Well, read this article to find out!
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Yusuf Lashin