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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Trong Le
Tiny micro-robot that could cure cancer

Tiny micro-robot that could cure cancer

By: Trong Le

Scientists have created a micro-robot smaller than a cell. It can cure health problems such as cancer. This tiny robot is injected into your body and it will detect and kill small unhealthy bacteria....

The firefighter drone

The firefighter drone

By: Trong Le

Scientists are working on a project that will help the world. They have made a drone that can put fires out easily on high structures that people can't reach. The drone uses a big battery to stay on the...

The Backpack Robot

The Backpack Robot

By: Trong Le

A group of Japanese designers designed a robot that you can play with, it's called The Backpack Robot. This robot is being controlled by a surrogate. This robot has an arm that can help you perform tasks...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Trong Le