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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Taha Rabah

The Impact of Tourism on Local Communities

By: Taha Rabah, Journalist
Local communities are affected a lot by the tourism industry, which can result in positive or negative outcomes. If managed responsibly, tourism has the ability to provide many benefits, including employment prospects, increased revenue, and better infrastructure.

The Future Of Energy

By: Taha Rabah, Journalist
The future of energy is rapidly changing as the world is becoming more aware of the impact we have on our environment. We are at a crossroad where decisions about energy consumption, waste, and emissions will shape our future.

Understanding the Benefits of Positive Thinking

By: Taha Rabah, Journalist
Positive thinking is one of the most valuable tools a person can possess. It has the power to positively affect a person’s life in many ways

Neutron Stars and How They’re Made

By: Taha Rabah, Journalist
There are different layers of a neutron star, first we have the outer layer which is 1 million kelvin which is much hotter then the measly 5778 C of our sun.
"rain" by wwnorm is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

How Risky is it to Drink Rain?

By: Taha Rabah, Journalist
A lot of people use and collect rainwater to conserve their resources, but is it really the best idea?
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Taha Rabah