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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Sophia Mapou
How Come Ships Don't Sink in Bad Weather?

How Come Ships Don’t Sink in Bad Weather?

By: Sophia Mapou, Journalist

Ships are one of the oldest forms of transportation in history. While ships today are generally considered safe, ships in the past sunk quite often. The majority of ships in the past were known to sink...

How are Bridge Foundations Built Over Water?

How are Bridge Foundations Built Over Water?

Bridges are magnificent pieces of engineering. While most of us have driven over them numerous times, we don't think of them much. How are they built over water? How do they build foundations underneath...

How are Footballs Made?

How are Footballs Made?

By: Sophia Mapou, Journalist

Almost everyone knows what a football is but not many people know the process that goes on behind making them. There are approximately 25 steps that go into making every NFL football and each takes almost...

What are Oil Spills?

What are Oil Spills?

By: Sophia Mapou, Journalist

Oil spills are very common and happen quite frequently. When oil spills occur, the oil spills into rivers and oceans. Most of the time, they are caused by accidents that happened while dealing with pipelines,...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Sophia Mapou