All content by Rory Bierhanzl
Theater is a magical art form that entertains and inspires, but it also has hidden environmental costs that we often overlook. As the industry begins to embrace sustainable practices, it holds the potential to transform storytelling while protecting our planet for future generations.
Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on Earth, from the different species of animals and micro-organisms, to the great expanses of woodlands and wetlands. Biodiversity is vitally important to the health of the Earth, as well as the regulation of our climate, and the loss that we are experiencing of our biodiversity could be the broken cog in the machine that brings our planet down.
We have more affect on the environment that we could have ever imagined, and its important to keep in mind what we create, and how it could affect the world we've worked so hard to build. Although the rising human population could better our survival chances for the future, we have to take in consideration what we are leaving behind.
The environment is fragile as it is, and now as we progress into a new era of technology, new information about how we continue to affect the environment becomes a bigger and bigger issue we face.
Underwater noise Pollution can affect almost all marine life, causing stress, permanent hearing loss, or even some species resorting to leaving the area entirely, causing unnatural migration patterns that disrupt ecosystems. Noise pollution can not only disrupt a whale's lifestyle and living practices, but sound pollution can also hurt and cripple whales, due to their sensitivity to noise.