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ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math



All content by Robert Orellana
"Olympic-Ready" Nike Soccer Cleat Being Engineered

“Olympic-Ready” Nike Soccer Cleat Being Engineered The new Magista 2 shoe has been launched just in time for the Rio Olympics. The cleat gets its shape from 3D printing,...

Materials for our Dog House

Materials for our Dog House

Our materials are: 6 2x4x8 wood boards, 5 boards of plywood, 5 sheets of insulation, jar of blue paint, wood glue, nails, multi-surface glue, 2, two 1 and a half long piano hinges, 6 1x4x8 wood boards....

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ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math
Robert Orellana