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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Prix Hixson

All content by Prix Hixson

How Do Rainbows Form?

By: Prix Hixson, Prix Hixson
Rainbows typically appear after a rainstorm and the sun shines and a rainbow appears, but the process is much more detailed than that.

Elegoo Arduino Uno R3 – Blink Without Delay

By: Prix Hixson, Journalist
Blink without delay can be as easy as connecting a wire to an LED light from a breadboard, and a resistor from a breadboard as on the tinkercad website.

Bioluminescent Bacteria

What is Bioluminescent bacteria? Bioluminescent bacteria is a light produced bacteria, that is often found in sea water, on top of decomposing fish, or in the gut of sea animals, on the bottom of the ocean...

"Red Sand Beach, Hana, Maui (1)" by Matt McGee is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

Why Are Beaches’ Sand Different Colors?

By: Prix Hixson, Reporter

The millions of different beaches in the world bring many different colors of sand. But why are they different colors? The color of sand mainly depends on the kinds or color of minerals, rocks, or shells...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Prix Hixson