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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Noor Ouertatni

Gear Shifters have Changed since Last Generation

By: Noor Ouertatni, Journalist
The new gear shifters location and design could cause catastrophic events or improve the country’s automobiles. However, today, the new gear shifter could be a small joystick shifter, a touch screen gear shift, or a dial, and these shifters can be located anywhere in the car.

The Brand New Exascale Computers

By: Noor Ouertatni, Journalist
Exascale computers are a major breakthrough in computing, offering incredible power for scientific research, simulations, and technological advancements. They can help solve complex problems in fields like climate science, medicine, and artificial intelligence.

The Needle Free Injection is the Future

By: Noor Ouertatni, Journlist
Flow-Beams' invention will assist in medical treatment in the United States and the world. This will help the medical world is by decreasing needle-stick injuries and less pain for others.

2025 Is the Year of the Coder

By: Noor Ouertatni, Journalist
Human coders are needed to find bugs, and errors in computer code, and humans can do this task better than AI most of the time. The world will always need more coders, and 2025 is a great year to learn how.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Noor Ouertatni