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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Mercer Tomasino

The Evolution of the Crossbow

By: Mercer Tomasino, Journalist
The crossbow. The supreme siege weapon back in the time of the Middle Ages, consisting of a taught bow attached to a long handle, which was typically crafted from wood. The crossbow contained a groove in the shaft to aim and control the bolt of the bow, the string, held in cocked position, all with a trigger ready to be pulled and release havoc upon your enemies. Truly a deadly masterpiece.

Decompression Sickness and the Hyperbaric Chamber

By: Mercer Tomasino, Journalist
Decompression sickness, also called the Bends, occurs when your body experiences a rapid decrease in the pressure of water or air. It most commonly occurs in scuba or deep sea diving. As you lower into the ocean while diving with compressed air, you experience higher water pressure, which causes you to take in more oxygen and nitrogen. Your body can use the oxygen, but the nitrogen is sent into your blood stream, where it stays until the end of your diving trip.

The Best and Worst Renewable Energy Sources

By: Mercer Tomasino, Journalist
We have all heard about renewable energy, like solar and wind, but are any of the different energy sources functional enough to use in our society? Or are they just new ways to create electricity that will never fully be eliminating pollution and extra greenhouse gasses? 

The D.C. Levees

By: Mercer Tomasino, Journalist
Much of D.C. is not part of the natural land. In fact, much of D.C.'s land was reclaimed from the Potomac River and wetlands. Due to this, much of D.C. is built up on low-lying land, which could quite easily be destroyed by flooding. With sea levels slowly rising due to global warming, the threat of a rising river has grown immensely.

How Ants Could Help Diagnose Cancer

By: Mercer Tomasino, Journalist
Even though ants don't have a nose, their sense of smell is very powerful, and may be able to diagnose cancer in an individual earlier than any fancy tech.

Autonomous Vehicles: The Pros and Cons

By: Mercer Tomasino, Journalist
As technologies have advanced, we have found ways to make our everyday lives easier and easier. However, now that the newest technology has hit the scene (AI) we may have to wait and assess the risks before pushing the button.

Colonizing Venus’s Atmosphere

By: Mercer Tomasino, Journalist
While many are looking to colonize Mars, the possibility of building a civilization on our other neighboring planet has arisen.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Mercer Tomasino