All content by Liam Daquioag
250,000 Americans suffer from paralysis of varying magnitude. Brain chips like Neuralink could be the solution to cure paralysis.
When the atom was split accidentally, it opened two possibilties: Nuclear power plants, and destruction.
Microplastics have done great harm to our environment. Researchers have found another problem: Bacteria are getting stronger because of microplastics.
AI art is based on other peoples' artwork. If that's the case, then who owns AI art?
While it may seem silly, MIT has been creating robot insects. Here's why they're useful.
What if you could change your devices just by wearing a shirt? This new material might bring that into reality.
This story isn't just about discovering new elements. It's about fraud, competition, and the creation of an infamous weapon.
Traffic is annoying, so why not fix it by widening our highways? Unfortunately, the solution is not as simple as that.
A study found that certain black plastic tools may cause cancer. Here's what to be concerned about.
The Imperial system is worse than metric, obviously, but there's a catch. The Imperial system was never designed to be a single system, and even then, the switch may be impossible.
Humanity has a big problem with littering. Learn more on how space is turning into a junkyard, and how we can fix it.