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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Kyle McPherson

From Canned Food to Fresh Pizza: The Evoluton of School Food

By: Kyle Mcpherson, Journalist
When you think of school food, you think of things such as pizza, chicken pattys or even meatballs. But what if you went 100 years back, what would school food be like? and how would the enivorment and the food change.

School Bathrooms Are A Problem

Bathrooms don't have any safety at all, The poor cleaning of bathrooms cause bactiera, and other sort of stuff to build up and cause harmful diseases. Its a problem for childrien as they can get sick easily from this
How Are Sea Water Animals Important?

How Are Sea Water Animals Important?

There are five levels to the sea, with the first being the sunlight zone, where animals like sharks, tuna, and sea turtles reside.

How AI Helps with Mental Stress

By: Kyle McPherson, Journalist

___________________________________________________________________________       AI (artificial intelligence) is a powerful robot tool, even having the ability to have human...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Kyle McPherson