All content by Kaden Brock
Mount Rushmore is not only one of the world's biggest sculptures, it's one of America's most famous tourist destinations. In the process of creating Mount Rushmore, over 450,000 tons (900,000 pounds) of rock were removed from the mountain.
The LHC (Large Hadron Collider) is used to replicate the circumstances that happened within a fraction of a second of the big bang. After months of observing collisions at the LHC in 2012, scientists observes an interesting signal from what could've been a Higgs Boson particle with 126 gigaelectron volts.
The ability to fly lit a spark of hope and inspiration in scientists who wished to gain space travel. Wernher von Braun was the creator behind the ideas of the Apollo space missions and the mastermind behind it. He studied aeronautics with a dream to one day reach the stars.
In fact, it is said to be the worst sleeping position there is, it has only 2 pros which help with sleep apnea and snoring but is prone to difficulty breathing, spine misalignment and back and neck pain. Finally, The greatest sleeping position you can choose from is the side sleeping position.
Educational games can improve hand-eye coordination and motor skills, a few games may require small movements and the repetitive task can improve writing skills and muscle memory. These skills can be useful for writing, field games or sports, and drawing.