All content by Joe Rojas Perez
The satellite plays a very important role in many of our lives. The first ever satellite to be put into orbit was by the Soviet Union, the satellite was called "Sputnik" in 1957.
The way that israel's first thing that needs to happen is that the enemy missile needs to launch. Then the radar scans and sees the missile. And finally the control system estimates the impact point, and then the launcher fires the missile to intercept the enemy missile
The first cars were powered by steam which for years has powered trains. Although steam powered vehicles take a long time to start and their distance was limited.
3D printing can do a lot of things, but recently nasa has said that they could use 3d to help us settle on the moon.
The company Sany group in Tongyu, Jilin province China has made the "largest" onshore wind turbine. It was announced on October 9 that a 15-MW wind turbine. It was placed in a work site in Tongyu, Jilin province China. Sany has stated that it is a prototype and that it will be tested over the next year.
People are getting more and more worried about AI getting more advanced and taking over and "enslaving us" or doing something worse. The thing that they are afraid of is called "artificial intelligence" its like the evil AI like from the terminator, the main idea of this is that they gain consciousness not just being really good at chess and math.
What is camouflage? ( it can also be known as cryptic coloration) camouflage is a mix of different colors, materials, or illumination to conceal
or hide the person who is wearing it no matter what environment it is. The amount of time camouflage has been around for the amount of time animals have been around.