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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Joe Lam

All content by Joe Lam
"Norwegian Leopard 2 A4 NO Tank" by Metziker is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

The Leopards

By: Joe Lam, Journalist
Weight: 42.2 tons. Crew member required: 4 (Commander, gunner, driver, and loader).
"F-86 Sabres - Chino Airshow 2014" by Airwolfhound is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

F-86 Sabre

By: Joe Lam, Journalist
Armaments: six 12.7mm Browning machine guns (or four 20mm cannons for later variants) and two 1000 pounds bombs or sixteen 5 inch rockets.

#COVIDFREE Progress Report

By: Joe Lam, Journalists

So today we have managed to make and attached our planned robotic arm onto the platform that would be our remote-control car. The robotic hand is used to grab and hold the hand sanitizer. It was now capable...

AT-M6, The Metal Gorilla in Star Wars

AT-M6, The Metal Gorilla in Star Wars

By: Joe Lam, Journalists
Introducing, the All Terrain Megacaliber Six.
"USS Iowa" by Dawn Endico is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

USS Iowa-The ship that served for almost half of a century

By: Joe Lam, Journalist
Battleships were a iconic sign of power, they were used as the ultimate sign of " don't-mess-with-me" for any country's navy for the first portion of the 20th century.

Y-Wing, The X-Wing’s sidekick

By: Joe Lam, Journalist
In the Star Wars franchise, there is a whole shipload of different types of spaceships. And since most of the details in Star Wars was based/inspired from World War 2, it won't be pretty surprising if the spaceships here was detailed just like in WW2.
"M113 Combat Engineer Vehicle 2" by dugspr — Home for Good is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

M113 Armored Personnel Carrier-Box with wheels

By: Joe Lam, Journalist
These tanks have also have become more faster, more powerful, and thicker.
"Heavy Soviet Tank KV-2. Советский тяжелый танк КВ-2." by Peer.Gynt is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

KV-2-Box On Wheels

By: Joe Lam, Journalist

The Soviets have a lot of innovative designs during World War 2, especially when it come to tanks. Indeed, they have created the mighty T-34 during the year 1940. But for those of you that have seen movies...

"Il-2 Shtrumovik Making A Pass Past the Paine Field Aviation Day Crowd" by AvgeekJoe is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Ilyushin IL-2, the Russian Stukas

By: Joe Lam, Journalists

Dive-bomber/ground attack fighter were a key factor during World War 2, for they are small enough to bomb a key area without harming the area around it (like a enemy HQ within a town), but, they are big...

"Russian AR - Mi-24 - 35_Red [Damgarten 7.92]" by Chaika12 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

MIL Mi-24, “The Crocodile”

By: Joe Lam, Journalist

Helicopters comes into mass production for military use when World War 2 have ended. As the 2 world superpowers, namely USA and USSR, were at a rush of improving and upgrading their armed forces in case...

"WW2 Spitfire and Hurricane Aircraft from BBMF" by Defence Images is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The Spitfire family- (Too many of them to count here)

By: Joe Lam, Journalist

During WW2, many countries were making new designs (or improving the existing design) so that they fight off other countries' war machines. Tanks, warships, infantries, and fighter aircraft. Indeed, many...

"File:Char T-34.jpg" by Antonov14 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5

T-34-The Man, The Myth, The Legend

By: Joe Lam, Journalist

Tanks are an important type of vehicle used for warfare. Especially in World War 2, where they proved to be very valuable when it comes to providing the attacking force a good place of protection (where...

"Vengeance Mk.II Dive Bomber Frog" by Cocardes is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

A-31/35 Vengeance-The Forgotten Warrior

By: Joe Lam, Journalist

Whenever people talk about dive-bombers, specially made planes that is capable of go up to very high attitude and then dive down at high speed towards a ground target and then drop their payload (usually...

P-38 Lightning

By: Joe Lam, Journalist

If the P-51 Mustang was the Luke Skywalker of the sky, then the P-38 Lightning is certainly the Obi-Wan-Kenobi of the sky because, if nothing else counts, the P-38's design is older than the P-51! The...

"B17 Sally B Mitchell 5 DSC_0486 2" by Ian is here is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

B-17 “Flying Fortress”

By: Joe Lam, Journalist

B-17, also called Flying Fortress, is a U.S. heavy bomber that was used during World War 2. It was 74 feet and 4 inches long, 5.82 meters high, 131.92 meters wide from wing tip to wing tip. Its weight...

P51 Mustang.  Photo Source:  License Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works Some rights reserved by Flicktone on

P-51 Mustang – a World War 2 Fighter Plane

By: Joe Lam, Journalist
The P-51 Mustang, created by North American Aviation, is an extraordinary fighter plane that was used in World War 2. It's design and structure is guaranteed to blow you away.

The Secret of Thunderbirds

By: Joe Lam, Journalist
Thunderbird's are a TV show for young children made by the British company AP Films. Thunderbird's first season was entirely filmed in live-action, with working models for machinery and puppets for the characters.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Joe Lam