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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by James Vuong

94% of Plastic Recycled in 4 Hours with New Recycling Method

By: James Vuong, Journalist
Scientists have discovered a new recycling method that's air-powered.

AI Speeds Up Submarine-Strengthening Titanium Alloy Production

By: James Vuong, Journalist
How AI makes submarines stronger indirectly.
skyline photography of nuclear plant cooling tower blowing smokes under white and orange sky at daytime

New Technology Turns Nuclear Waste into Power Source.

By: James Vuong, Journalist
How Moltex's new technology recycles 90% of nuclear waste.
white and red DB train subway

China’s 280 mph Train Prototype

By: James Vuong, Journalist
The world's fastest train might not be the fastest anymore; China has invented a train with speeds up to 280 miles per hour

What a 500M$ Dam Removal Teaches

By: James Vuong, Journalist
500 million dollars is a high price to pay to heal the landscape, but it's definitely worth it.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
James Vuong