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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Gerardo Martinez-Borranchando

Nikola Badger Truck

The wealthy founder of Nikola Corp was convicted for never having the truck crash-tested by the NHTSA or the IIHS.

The Physics Of A Camera

The Basics Cameras, at their very basic level, are lightproof boxes that will allow light to enter one place. A camera will open its shutter, which is a doorway into the camera, and allow for a split...

Facts About The PS5

The PS5 is apart of the 9th generation of video game consoles, along with Microsoft's Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X consoles, which were released in the same month. The model of the ps5 includes a Blu Ray Disc thats Digital Edition relates this drive, allowing it to serve as a lower-cost model for those who prefer to buy games through digital download.


With its silver plastic body, exposed, articulated joints, and screen-like face, it suggests a cyborg beagle. The AIBO had very successful commercial, and Sony produced twelve models between 1999 and 2006.

The Physics of The 2022 World Cup Ball

The New Qatar World Cup Soccer Ball is the Al Rihla.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Gerardo Martinez-Borranchando