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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Eva Huang

The Boeing 747 Dreamlifter

By: Eva Huang, Journalist
The Boeing 747 Dreamlifter is truly a bizarre aircraft, and the largest too.

The World’s Biggest Cargo Ships

By: Eva Huang, Journalist
Cargo Ships are HUGE, and some are bigger than others, but have you ever wondered how BIG cargo ships can get?

The Most Absurd And Weird Airplanes

By: Eva Huang, Journalist
Have you ever heard of these weird and wacky aircrafts? These quirky aircrafts have interesting stories to them too.

The Potato Plant And How To Plant Them

By: Eva Huang, Journalist
Have you ever wondered what the potato plant is, and how to grow it? Probably not.. but here it is anyways.

How Flashbangs Work

By: Eva Huang, Journalist
Flashbangs, AKA a stun grenade, is a non-lethal type of weapon made to incapacitate it's targets.

The Science Behind Homemade Candy

By: Eva Huang, Journalist
Have you ever wondered how to make candy at home, or at least the science behind it? Because it's simple, you only have to learn the basics before letting your creativity take over.

The Most Underrated Bird: Pigeons

By: Eva Huang, Journalist
What do you think when you see a pigeon? Do you think that they're disgusting? Because that's incorrect. In the 1930's, pigeons fell from popularity, they went from prized domestic animals with unique abilities to "rats with wings".

The Secret to Animating Walk Cycles

By: Eva Huang, Journalist
It doesn’t matter what kind of animator you area - as long as you can animate a living being, you probably know how to animate walk cycles. Walk cycles are used everywhere, from movies to indie games to simple animations.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Eva Huang