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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Ethan Page

You Can Learn Through Video Games

By: Ethan Page, “Journalist”
Video games can help with learning languages. Video games help students focus on the lessons in a language class.

Dribble Bot Doesn’t Just Dribble A Soccer Ball But Can Also Save Lives

By: Ethan Page, “Journalist”
Dribble Bot Can Save Lives. Fun robot that will play soccer with you.

Small Plastic Beads That Generate Electricity Could Replace Fossil Fuels

By: Ethan Page, “Journalist”
Small Plastic Beads That Generate Electricity Could Replace Fossil Fuels. These Balls Create Large Amounts Of Electricity.

Canadian Women’s National Team Accused Of Spying Using Drones

By: Ethan Page, Journalist
Canada accused for spying on New Zealand using drones. Canada's women's national team caught spying with drones.

A Shapeshifting Basketball Hoop For Better Training

By: Ethan Page, Journalist
Basketball hoops now move for your training! The movement depends on if you miss or not and helps you learn basketball.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Ethan Page