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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Elmer Hernandez Cruz

Why The Chromebook Is Hated

By: Elmer Hernandez Cruz, Journalist

Why are Chromebooks a problem Chromebooks have gained popularity due to their affordability and simplicity, but they aren’t the right choice for everyone. Here’s why: Chromebooks rely heavily on...

Earth Will Disappear

By: Elmer Hernandez Cruz, Journalist
What would you do if you had billions of dollars? If you could spend money on exploring space, what would it be? This is a good idea to improve human life in space.

Toyota Is Making An Advancement To Supra Mk5

By: Elmer Hernandez Cruz, Journalist
Since it first hit the scene in 1978, the Toyota Supra has gained a huge following thanks to its classic front-engine, rear-wheel-drive setup and reliable inline six-cylinder engine.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Elmer Hernandez Cruz