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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Elias Yoo

The Future for Home Architecture

By: Elias Yoo, Journalist
Will the architecture of homes adapt as the world changes? Read more to discover how the needs of the future will influence the home design of today.

Could Genetic Engineering Change the Course of Agriculture?

By: Elias Yoo, Journalist
Are genetically modified crops the future for humankind? With new technology creating juicier, bigger crops, society may have to consider this as a possibility.

New Low-cost Process Allows Rocks to Absorb Carbon Extremely Quickly

By: Elias Yoo, Journalist
There are many problems created by carbon emissions that continue to impact many aspects of our lives. But a new process made by Stanford may be able to solve this, changing the world for the better.

Engineers Work to Create Self-replicating Humanoid Robots

By: Elias Yoo, Journalist
The thought of robots creating robots has generally been called science fiction. But a partnership between two US firms could change this.

Carbon Fiber Tube Deal Advanced by World’s Largest Cargo Airship Project

By: Elias Yoo, Journalist
A collaboration between companies Flying Whales and Exel Composites promises development in the world's largest cargo airship. Learn more about the vehicle that plans to revolutionize cargo transport.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Elias Yoo