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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Edin Diaz Lobos

All content by Edin Diaz Lobos

Mosquitoes, The Deadliest Animal on the Planet

By: Edin Diaz Lobos, Reporter
Some animals are cute and others dangerous here is the world's most deadly animal.

3 Tips and To Get Better In Fortnite

By: Edin Diaz Lobos, Reporter

Fortnite is a game where you have to use a good strategy to win the game. here are 5 Tips to help you become better at the game and get more wins! First of all, is building, Building is one of the main...

Fortnite on GeForce Now

By: Edin Diaz Lobos, Reporter

Fortnite is a game that is almost trending but has a lot of competition.  Some players can say that it is falling down but for the people who want to play and don't have a proper computer to process the...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Edin Diaz Lobos