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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Djaber Bibet

The One Big Problem With The Nintendo Switch

By: Djaber Bibet, Journalist
The famous console, was it doomed to fail?

Leaning Tower of Pisa

By: Djaber Bibet, Journalist

The construction of the Tower of Pisa was completed in 1372. Five years later, the tower started to lean south. It started tilting at a small 3.99 degrees, but when it reached its peak of 5.5 degrees in...

Space Exploration or Ocean Exploration

By: Djaber Bibet, Journalist
Space or Ocean Exploration? Currently the world is set on exploring space. According to NASA, exploring space has a chance of making better discoveries for humanity.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Djaber Bibet