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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Darwin Cabrera

Study Reveals Friday Surgeries Linked To 12% Higher Death Risk Than Early Week Operations

By: Darwin Cabrera, Journalist
Recent finding published in JAMA open have drawn attention to a significant concern regarding surgical practices. A new study shows that people who have surgery just before the weekend are at a higher risk of problems like complications, needing to be remitted to the hospital, or even dying, compared to patients who have surgery after the weekends.

Chinese Tesla new SUV features ‘bulletproof’ batteries 80% charge in 12 mins

By: Darwin Cabrera, Journalist
The Chinese Tesla that has "Bulletproof" batteries. Chinese EV manufacture Xpeng has showed the 2025 of the all eletric SUV G6.Throughout the host of 81 upgrades over the last year's model.

Dinosaur Footprints From 200 Million Years Ago Found In Australia

By: Darwin Cabrera, Journalist
How Dinosaur Footprints Were Found And What They Were Like And What They Did And As Well As How They Found Out How They Detected The Type Of Dinosaur It Was

New Volvo EV

By: Darwin Cabrera, Journalist
Read How the New Volvo EV works and How it Helps the Enviorment

History of Coding

By: Darwin Cabrera, Journalist

The history of Coding. Ada Lovelace was the first to create an algorithm to process the Analytical Engine. The first computers used a written binary code to store 1949 Assembly language...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Darwin Cabrera