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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Cooper Choe
Stealth Materials

Stealth Materials

By: Cooper Choe, Journalist

In 2006, a team of U.S. and British scientists demonstrated the world's first working "invisibility cloak." The team, led by Sir John Pendry, created a small device 12cm across that redirects microwave...

The Engineering of the Gameboy

By: Cooper Choe, Journalist
When the Nintendo Game Boy launched in 1989, it wasn’t an instant hit with critics. Compared to other handheld consoles of the time, it was technically underpowered, with no backlight, a simple monochrome screen, and limited memory. But what seemed like drawbacks drove its success.
a computer screen with a bunch of code on it

How Do Proxy Servers Work?

By: Cooper Choe, Journalist
Ever used a proxy and wondered how It works? Learn More in this article!

Is Lunchly Healthy?

By: Cooper Choe, Journalist
Is Lunchly healthy? It's not. Why not? The cheese is drippy, and it has multiple flavors! (Normal cheese and moldy cheese) Learn more about Lunchly in this article.

How is power generated?

By: Cooper Choe, Journalist
Ever wondered where your power comes from? Find out where in this article!
What Would It Look Like If All Humans Disappeared?

What Would It Look Like If All Humans Disappeared?

By: Cooper Choe, Journalist
What would happen if we disappeared, Find out now!
white PS4 dualshock 4

How Video Game Controllers Are Made And Work

By: Cooper Choe, Journalist
Video game controllers are something we use every day, but how do they work? Read more to find out.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Cooper Choe