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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Brandon Tao

Primordial Black holes

By: Brandon Tao, Journalist
Primordial Black holes are the smallest black holes to ever exist in the universe, they were smaller than a proton, & just as mysterious as dark matter. While unknown if they exist, their existence could answer many questions about how our universe evolved & came to be.

Quasi Stars

By: Brandon Tao, Journalist
Quasi-Stars are amongst the largest stars ever to of ever existed in the universe, they burned brighter than galaxies & dwarfed any stars that exist today or could ever exist in the future. But the strange part is that they were inhabited by a black hole, slowly devouring it from the inside out.

If The Earth Was Flat

By: Brandon Tao, Journalist
We have always known that the Earth is a sphere. But what if we were wrong? What if the flat Earth community was right and the Earth was actually flat? Spoiler Alert: Very Bad!

Different Types Of Planets

By: Brandon Tao, Journalist
The first four planets in our solar system are known as "Terrestrial" planets, while the outer four planets are known as "Gas Giants". As for the possible quadrillions of exoplanets in our universe, it is not as simple as classifying them as "terrestrial" or "gas giant" because some of them are so vastly different to our solar system. Because of this, astronomers produce new scientific terms to sort out the unusual exoplanets they have discovered.

The First Rockets Ever Built

By: Brandon Tao, Journalist
Some of The first rockets ever built date back as far as ancient China. Not built to venture out into space, but to be used as a weapon of war, ever since then they've been used as a weapon of mass destruction, until now. How did it turn from a weapon of war, to a vehicle of space exploration that we know today?

If The Earth Had Rings

By: Brandon Tao, Journalist
Earth is very well known for not having rings, but what if it did? What if during the 4.8-billion-year long history, from the Theia collision to today, the sky was adorned with beautiful crescent rings & a glaring moon? Spoiler Alert: Not good!
X-ray, Optical & Infrared Composite of Kepler's Supernova Remnant


By: Brandon Tao, Journalist
Supernovae, or Supernovas are amongst the most powerful explosions in the entire universe, able to outshine entire galaxies & burn areas of galaxies, sterile. No real metaphor can describe the power these explosions have. If a supernovae occurred even just a hundred light-years away from Earth, us humans would most likely be dead.

Planet X

By: Brandon Tao, Journalist

Planet X, or Planet 9 as we're gonna refer to, is a possible Neptune-sized object in a elliptical orbit around the sun so far away its orbit could take 10,000 to 20,000 Earth years to complete, recent...

Strange Matter

By: Brandon Tao, Journalist
Located inside Neutron Star's cores, Strange matter breaks the rule of the universe infecting anything it touches, including Earth. Or they could explain how our universe came to be, possibly both.

Mars Will Soon Have Rings

By: Brandon Tao, Journalist
One planet we'd least expect to have rings would be Mars, Turns out Mars will be getting his own set of rings like Saturn. This wouldn't be the first time Mars has rings or moons for that matter.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Brandon Tao