All content by Benjamin Siegel
The new system, which has a CMOS-compatible silicon photonic modulator and a data transmission rate of up to 1 terabit per second (1 Tbit/s), supports the 800 gigabits per second (800 Gbits/s) transmission rate, which is likely to be the next telecommunication system standard.
Woolly Mice are the next step to bringing the woolly Mammoth back to life. They are bringing them back by using mice with woolly Mammoth genes.
America just made a new missile that can hit targets from 1725 miles away. This rocket will change the way we look at rockets and threats
MIT students have just made a new solar cell that is 50 times smaller than the thickness of a human hair. These new cells are much lighter and are a lot easier to use.
China is making a revolutionary battery that will change EVs forever. The batteries will last longer and will have better performance than all the other batteries.