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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Andres Martinez Aparicio

Satellites Are Damaging The Stratosphere On Re-entry

By: Andres Martinez Aparicio, Journalist
Space junk is polluting the stratosphere. It could lead to unintended consequences. When a satellite finishes its job, it is sent into the stratosphere, where it burns up and disintegrates.

New Research Shows Viruses Could Be The Cause Of Alzheimer’s

By: Andres Martinez Aparicio, Journalist
Alzheimers is a disease that has many effects. Recently it wzs discovered that it could be caused by virus infection.

Mice Infused With Wolly Mammoth Genes

By: Andres Martinez Aparicio, Journalist
A company has taken the first small step in making de-extinction of species possible. This is a small step but could mean more in the future

Airships Are Making A Comeback To The World Of Cargo Transport

By: Andres Martinez Aparicio, Journalist
Airships have problems, that is why they are rarely used. Quite recently several companies are planing to use airships to transport large loads. This problem has many creative solutions.

Super Shoes Impact On Speed

By: Andres Martinez Aparicio, Journalist
Super shoes make you considerably faster when running, they also pose problems such as making old records insignificant. this poses several moral issues.

Scientists Learn How To Lock Genes

By: Andres Martinez Aparicio, Journalist
CRISPR technology has taken yet another step, and it may soon be crucial in modern life. This is an overview on what it is and how it works.

Squid´s Jet Propulsion Could Help People Overcome Needle Phobia

By: Andres Martinez Aparicio, Journalist
A new way of administering vaccines may be on the horizon, new squid inspired needle capsules could revolutionize medicine.

There Could Be Life On Other Planets

By: Andres Martinez Aparicio, Journalist
NASA is sending a probe named the Europa Clipper to scan the surface for signs of life. Below the oceans we may find single celled organisms living isolated from the world.

Deepseek AI

By: Andres Martinez Aparicio, Journalist
Deepseek is an AI that has challenged the common norms and is pushing the boundries of what was previously thought possible. This has raised questions in the stock market of the current giants in AI.

Whale Safe Is helping in the Conservation Of These Animals On The West Coast

By: Andres Martinez Aparicio, Journalist

In March of this year, three whales were killed because of ship collisions, being slashed at by propellers, and having their bones broken from the force. This is a problem, as some whale species have been...

How Biology Was Changed Forever

By: Andres Martinez Aparicio, Journalist
In late 1990 the Human Genome Project began with the goal of mapping the entire human genome(or the DNA inside most cells). The project caused huge advancements in the field of Biology and changed it forever.

Fruit fly brain succesfully mapped

By: Andres Martinez Aparicio, Journalist
Fruit fly brain has been mapped, using several methods and an AI.

Roman Army Engineering

By: Andres Martinez Aparicio, Journalist

The Roman Army was the most powerful in the continent because of their ranking structure and most importantly, their engineered wonders.  Thanks to their engineering expertise, many of their millitary...

New Battery Uses Salt Water In Estuaries To Generate Electricity

By: Andres Martinez Aparicio, Journalist

Dongdong Yea, Xingzhen Qin, and colleagues designed a semipermeable membrane from environmentally friendly materials to generate electricity. The invention uses estuaries and salt differences in concentration...

“Drinking Bird” Science Toy Inspires Electricity Generator.

By: Andres Martinez Aparicio, Journalist
In Hong Kong, scientists harnessed the perpetual motion of a science toy and made it a cheap renewable energy source. It powered twenty LCDs.

Solar Panel Achieves Record 25% Efficiency

By: Andres Martinez Aparicio, Journalist
Oxford PV solar panels reached a record 25% efficiency. As the efficiency of solar panels increases, it could lead us to a future with no pollution.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Andres Martinez Aparicio