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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Amy Peng

Water Hyacinths: Meddlesome to Multipurposed

By: Amy Peng, Journalist
How will people adapt to tame the non-native water hyacinth?

The Nature & Propagation of memes

By: Amy Peng, Journalist
How did the memes we know today evolve from its humble origin from Dawkins?

The extent of biotechnology, gene editing, & CRISPR-Cas9:

By: Amy Peng, Journalist
Genes are arranged (from the four nitrogen bases) as the building blocks to DNA, and they can be manipulated and changed using gene editing such as CRISPR.  The ability of CRISPR to fix DNA errors can potentially lead to advancements such as treatments for genetic diseases, create altered traits in organisms, & lead to advanced cell editing.

Coastal flood management and the ocean–an overview:

By: Amy Peng, Journalist
As climate and human impact further shape our oceans, how do we push back against the negative consequences to our coasts?
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Amy Peng