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ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math




a woman sitting at a desk using a laptop computer

Gut Microbiota Are Able To Relieve Stress

By: Sofie Schopfer, Journalist
Gut microbiota, the things responsible for your food digestion, have been discovered to have the ability to relieve stress. Scientists are currently conducting studies to figure out whether or not this knowledge can be used in future pharmaceuticals.
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grayscale photography of children sitting while eating near table

From Canned Food to Fresh Pizza: The Evoluton of School Food

By: Kyle Mcpherson, Journalist
When you think of school food, you think of things such as pizza, chicken pattys or even meatballs. But what if you went 100 years back, what would school food be like? and how would the enivorment and the food change.
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Blue Light's Effect On Sleep

Blue Light’s Effect On Sleep

By: Lucas Ferro, Journalist

Blue light can negatively affect sleep primarily because it interferes with the body's natural circadian rhythm. This rhythm is regulated by the hormone melatonin, which helps signal to your body when...

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a wooden shelf filled with lots of jars of food

Preserving Food In Ancient Times

By: Rafan Haque, Journalist
Ancient people found many ways to make sure their food lasted longer. From drying to smoking and even fermenting, they mastered the amazing way of food preservation using natural materials and elements like heat, wind salt, and also smoke.
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School Bathrooms Are A Problem

School Bathrooms Are A Problem

Bathrooms don't have any safety at all, The poor cleaning of bathrooms cause bactiera, and other sort of stuff to build up and cause harmful diseases. Its a problem for childrien as they can get sick easily from this
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Is Lunchly Healthy?

Is Lunchly Healthy?

By: Cooper Choe, Journalist
Is Lunchly healthy? It's not. Why not? The cheese is drippy, and it has multiple flavors! (Normal cheese and moldy cheese) Learn more about Lunchly in this article.
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multicolored candy worms

The Science Behind Sugar

By: Simrin Puri, Journalist
Sugar is everywhere! In candy, in cakes, in our meals. But why are we so addicted to it? Read more to find out!
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Black Plastic May Be Toxic

Black Plastic May Be Toxic

By: Liam Daquioag, Journalist
A study found that certain black plastic tools may cause cancer. Here's what to be concerned about.
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woman holding her face in dark room

Dead, Dying, Or Immortal: What Is Cotard’s Syndrome?

By: Sofie Schopfer, Journalist
Cotard's Syndrome: a rare condition that can cause people to believe they are dead, dying, or even immortal. There are only around 200 known cases of this condition, so how can we diagnose it?
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a person on a bike

Golf Clubs

By: Ian Ragsdale, Journalist
how do golf clubs work?
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black Fayorit typewriter with printer paper

Loss Of Creativity

By: Anas Abukar, Journalist

What Is Creativity What I believe creativity is, is the ability to turn your thoughts into reality. In other words, the ability to Create. If it wasn't for creativity, we wouldn't have nearly anything....

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a small child sleeping under a blanket on a bed

Your Sleep Positions And How It Affects You

By: Kaden Brock, Journalist
In fact, it is said to be the worst sleeping position there is, it has only 2 pros which help with sleep apnea and snoring but is prone to difficulty breathing, spine misalignment and back and neck pain. Finally, The greatest sleeping position you can choose from is the side sleeping position.
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ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math