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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Engineers of History

Articles about engineers and engineering in history

purple strobe lights

The History of Lasers

By: Preston Wichert, journalist
Lasers are super important today, but their story started a long time ago. The idea first came from Albert Einstein in 1917.
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The Great Emu War: When Engineering and Military Might Faced Nature's Unyielding Challenge

The Great Emu War: When Engineering and Military Might Faced Nature’s Unyielding Challenge

By: Ghet Hmeda, Journalist
The Great Emu War took place in Australia in 1932 when farmers faced huge problems with emus eating their crops. The government sent soldiers with machine guns to try and control the birds.
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The Power of Bridges And How Engineers Make Them Stronger

The Power of Bridges And How Engineers Make Them Stronger

By: Seth Spinner, Journalist
Bridges are everywhere. They help us cross rivers, highways, and even entire valleys. But have you ever wondered how engineers make sure they don’t collapse? It all comes down to smart design, strong materials, and physics.
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water droplets on a surface

The History of Nanotechnology

By: Preston Wichert, journalist
Nanotechnology is the science of working with super tiny things—so small, you can’t even see them with your eyes. The idea first came up in 1959 when Richard Feynman gave a talk about how cool it would be to control individual atoms.
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The Smart Architecture of Venice

The Smart Architecture of Venice

By: Kawa Gyatso, Journalist
At its peak, Venice rivaled major world capitals such as London and New York in later centuries. However, the city faced unique physical challenges that required various clever medieval engineering solutions, many of which are still in use today.
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The History of a School

The History of a School

By: Emerson Rodas Bermudez, Journalist
Schools have been around since about 2000 B.C. Even though school might seem "boring" to some kids and teenagers, it’s really an opportunity to create a better future.
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woman holding red umbrella standing near tree at daytime

History of the Umbrella

By: Grayson Matlis, Journalist
Umbrellas have become an integral part of our lives, but their history is rich and varied. From ancient times to modern usage, these handy objects have served multiple purposes beyond mere protection from the rain. This article explores the evolution of umbrellas, their cultural significance, and their lasting impact on society.
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a glass of beer

The Story Of Microsoft

By: Vaibhav Saravanan, Journalist
Microsoft is one of the most successful companies in the world with a net value of around 3.1 trillion dollars. It was founded by two friends: Bill Gates, and Paul Allen.
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Transcontinental Railroad

Transcontinental Railroad

By: Esah Sheikh, Journalist
The Transcontinental Railroad was created in the Civil War. It united the East and the West and improved transportation and trade for the country. The completion of this railroad in 1869 was a historic moment in American history. Symbolizing progress and unity.
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Roman Army Engineering

Roman Army Engineering

By: Andres Martinez Aparicio, Journalist

The Roman Army was the most powerful in the continent because of their ranking structure and most importantly, their engineered wonders.  Thanks to their engineering expertise, many of their millitary...

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black and silver telephone on brown textile

The Most Underrated Inventions

By: Daniel D’mello, Journalist
Everyone owns something with a zipper, whether it's a sweatshirt, backpack, or suitcase. It's a very common invention that gets overlooked despite how useful it is.
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silver iPhone 11

Steve Jobs

By: Vaibhav Saravanan, Journalist
Steve Jobs first started Apple in his garage at the age of 21 with his friend Steve Wozniak. Steve Jobs created the MacBook Air, iPod, iPhone and this is why he is credited with Apple's revival in the 1990's.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Engineers of History