The category “Coding” covers anything related to communicating with computers. People use coding to give computers and other machines instructions on what actions to perform. Further, we use it to program the websites, apps, and other technologies we interact with every day. While coding means writing codes from one language to another, programming means to program a machine with a given set of instructions to run. For this section of Jackson Journal we use “Coding” and “Programming” interchangeably.
Call of duty was began by a company called Activation Blizzard. Call Of Duty was invented after the world war II it got inspiration from the war and made its first game called Call of duty
A Iphone is a smart phone that was made by a company named apple that almost has everything a computer has and a ipod it is touch screen and has a camera to take pictures. Iphones can be used to make money many people post on social media to become famous to make money, they are considered as job people entertain people that's makes people wanna buy their product.
Robots are a human made versions of a animal life they are machines that try to act the same as humans but just a lot more smarter than humans. Robots are a new thing we didn't have any resources to build a robot back then but people have gotten a lot more smarter.
Quantum computers are much faster than regular supercomputers because they can solve complex problems in minutes instead of thousands of years. They do this by using special particles called qubits that can process many solutions at once, making them more powerful than traditional machines.
Scammers hack into your computer to access information or money. In 2023, a reported $10 billion has been lost to scams and fraud. As the amount of money lost continues to build up, it is important to be aware.
Imagine accessing all your files, apps, and even powerful computing resources anytime, anywhere without needing expensive hardware. Cloud computing makes life faster, smarter, and more efficient, powering everything from Netflix streaming to cutting-edge AI innovations!
The history of Coding. Ada Lovelace was the first to create an algorithm to process the Analytical Engine. The first computers used a written binary code to store 1949 Assembly language...
Human coders are needed to find bugs, and errors in computer code, and humans can do this task better than AI most of the time. The world will always need more coders, and 2025 is a great year to learn how.
The 105- qubit computer completed an RCS(Random Circut Sampling) calculation in 5 minutes. A program that would take the worlds fastest super computer 10 septillion years (1025 ).
The internet as we know it today is a vast space filled with information, entertainment, and communication. But to understand the websites we visit daily, it’s important to look back at their history and evolution. The journey of websites reflects the rapid advancement of technology and changes in society’s internet use.
Video games are a popular pastime for many people. While most of us have played them, have you ever wondered what goes into creating a video game?
5 Fun Facts about Xbox:
Xbox was invented on November 15, 2001, and the latest Xbox was invented in November 2020.
The most popular Xbox game is Fortnite
Over 200 million monthly active users...
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