Scroll Saw Safety
- Follow all general safety rules and only operate with the instructors’ permission.
- Measure accurately and mark material to be cut.
- Adjust and tighten the blade guide hold down clamp so it is resting lightly on top of the material to be cut.
- Visually inspect the blade to be sure it is not broken or damaged. If the blade does not appear right, tell your teacher.
- NEVER have the material you are cutting touch the blade before turning on the scroll saw.
- Keep your hands outside the safety zone marked on the table and away from the blade. The safety zone is the red box marked on the table of the machine.
- Using both hands, apply downward pressure and slowly guide the material into the blade keeping your fingers away from the line you marked on the material.
- Let the machine do the work. Never force the material into the blade.
- Do not clear scraps away from the blade while the machine is still running.
- Do not walk away from the scroll saw while the blade is still moving.
- Do not crowd the person operating the machine.
- Always cut within 1/8” inch of the line marked on the material. Cut on the scrap side of the line and DO NOT cut your line off.