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How smoking can lead to dangerous stages of cancer

Cancer is a dangerous internal disease that has yet to have a very proper treatment. However, it would be good do know how cancer forms so you can prevent it from forming in your body.

Cancer is a dangerous disease that can quickly and easily spread if not treated properly.  Unfortunately, there are many factors that can lead to formations of cancer tumors.  However, knowing what the dangerous starters of cancer tumors can help prevent the dangerous disease.

Smoking is a very abundant cause of cancer around the world.  According to the American Caner Society, 20% of all caners world-wide, are caused by smoking.  Moreover, smoking causes over 85% of the cases of lung cancer which leads to the patient’s death.  This is because the in the tobacco smoke there is poison that can significantly weaken the immune system; a weakness in the immune system makes it harder for the human body to fight off cancer cells.  When cancer cells form in your body, they will continue to grow without having much resistance because of the body’s poor immune system.  According, to the Center For Disease Control (CDC), people who smoke are 15-30 times more likely to produce cancer tumors than people who do not smoke.

Additionally, the smoke from the tobacco can ruin a cell’s DNA.  The DNA in a cell controls the growth and how it performs.  However, the chemicals in cigarette smoke can affect the DNA and cause it to become significantly damaged.  Then, other chemicals that enter our body makes it more difficult for our body to repair and replace the damaged DNA cells.  The DNA damage will eventually build up and cause cancer cells to form which can lead to death.  Smoking can cause cancer anywhere in the body from the mouth to the urinary bladder.

Smoking can lead to long term affects on your body which may increase the chances for lung cancer.  It can weaken you immune system, ruin your cell’s DNA, or make it difficult to repair DNA damage in your cells.  All of these factors will have a significant impact on your body.  It is very important to understand how you can develop cancer cells, in order to prevent a dangerous disease that has killed millions without a vaccine to come.



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