
ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math



The Future Of Underwater Mining

Robots Revolutionizing The Industry

It turns out the world is changing faster than ever. As shown, giant robots are being used for the specific use of underwater mining. This task has been carried out by humans until now. These robots will eventually revolutionize the whole industry, initially also passing on information about the deep sea. This is vital since we have only discovered 5% of the ocean so far, which is ridiculous since the oceans take close to 71% of the world.

These two sides justifying the significance of deep sea mining, aren’t the only reasons why this method is supported. This method is also supported since depending on land minerals to survive, will slowly diminish. The ores included in the deep sea is silver, gold, manganese, copper, zinc, cobalt, and even diamonds. And, you may not notice, but our smartphones that we hold everyday in our hands, actually uses zinc and cobalt. But the truth with cobalt is that it is mined in Congo and people risk their lives getting it. It is also essential in lithium batteries, which includes a wide range of computers, phones, remotes, batteries themselves, and many other possibilities. And now these robots are negating the potential deaths of the cobalt miners back in Africa.

This relates to engineering since the underwater robots take away the human responsibility regarding deep water mining.

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