Band Saw Safety Rules
- Follow all general safety rules and operate only with instructor’s permission and after you have received instruction.
- Measure accurately and mark your material where it is to be cut.
- Adjust the blade guide to ¼” inch above the material before turning on the band saw.
- Never have the material you are cutting touch the blade before turning on the power.
- Keep your hands outside the safety zone marked on the table. The safety zone is the area close to the blade on the table of the machine.
- Never place your hands directly in front of the blade or on the line to be cut.
- Using both hands, firmly and slowly, push the material into the blade letting the machine do the work. Never force the material into the blade.
- When cutting curves, relief cuts must be made first.
- Avoid backing out of a cut with the exception of relief cuts. The blade can be pulled off the wheels.
- Avoid twisting the blade and do not attempt to cut a small radius curve.
- Do not clear scraps away from the blade while the blade is still moving.
- Do not walk away from the machine while the blade is still moving.
- Do not attempt to stop the blade with a piece of wood.
- Always cut within 1/8” inch of the line marked on the material. Cut on the scrap side of the line and DO NOT cut your line off.
- Do not crowd the person operating the machine or stand to the sides of the band saw while it is being operated.