How To Aim And Shoot A Recurve Bow

The proper form for shooting a recurve bow.

How To Aim And Shoot A Recurve Bow

By: Emma Ismail, Journalist

Recurve bows have been around for centuries, and are a popular choice among archers for hunting and competitive sport. Like most things, shooting a recurve bow can be challenging at first, but, with practice and proper technique, anyone can get used to it.

The first step is to make sure you are in the correct position. Stand perpendicular to the target with your feet shoulder-width apart, and your dominant foot slightly back. Make sure you have a comfortable grip on the bow handle, and that your bow arm is extended straight out in front of you.

The next step would be to nock your arrow. To do this, place the arrow on the bowstring and secure it on top of the arrow rest. Make sure the arrow is positioned correctly on the rest, and that it’s facing the right way.

Now it’s time to draw the bowstring back. With your dominant hand, draw the string with the attached arrow back.  The bowstring should rest against the corner of your mouth, with your index finger above the arrow and your other two fingers below it.

When you’re ready to aim, focus your eyes on the target. Close your non-dominant eye, and adjust the bow so it’s in line with your target. Be sure to keep your bow still and steady.

Finally, it’s time to release the arrow. This should be a smooth release of your fingers, following through by keeping your bow arm extended and your eyes on the target.

Remember, the key to shooting a recurve bow is practice. With enough repetition and proper technique, shooting will gradually get easier. Start by practicing close to the target, and slowly work your way back as your skill improves.