What Soundboard is the Best: Does Size Really Matter?

Qu edition

What Soundboard is the Best: Does Size Really Matter?

By: Ishaan Pandya, Journalist

The Allen & Heath Qu mixer comes in 4 different sizes. You can get the Qu-PAC, Qu-16, Qu-24, and the Qu-32. The only difference between the models is that the amount of fader you can control is different, and you can get some more features on the bigger ones than the smaller ones. The PAC has 15 sliders, and is very compact while the Qu-16 has 16 faders, costs more, and is bulkier. The Qu-24 has 24 sliders and the Qu-32 has 32 sliders and is much harder to carry around.

The price difference between the Qu-PAC and the Qu-16, is $400, which is a lot to pay for one more slider. The better thing about the Qu-16, is that it has Eq(equalizer), which means that it can change a performers voice to make it sound better, or different to fit the role, if needed. You would want to buy the Qu-24 or Qu-32 if you were making a play and needed more mics in one spot, rather than buying more Qu-PACs as an extension.








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