What Would Happen If Bees Went Extinct?


By: Arhan Jain, Journalist

There are numerous species of bees throughout the world, and this insect is probably one of the most important pollinators. These bees have existed for thousands of years and have evolved to such as that they can coexist and almost perfectly complement the flowers they pollinate. Unfortunately, bees are often overlooked and underappreciated for their unique contributions to the world, as are many other insects. Populations of bumblebees and other species have steeply declined in many places because of major use of insecticide, herbicide, global warming, and habitat loss. Sadly, a few bee species have even found a spot on the endangered species list.

If every bee in the world suddenly went extinct, it would create major rippling effects and eventually the effects would start to pass on to the humans. Many plants require bee assistance to keep them alive and with the downfall of bees, there would be no one able to keep these plants living unless there was human intervention. With the lack of bees throughout the world, the plants would die due to not having the pollinators to help them reproduce. Plants aren’t the only thing that will die, animals having a direct connection to bees will also be in harm from this. Precious animals like the Bee-Killer, known for eating bees, will die because of no bees left to eat, thus ruining the whole food web. In terms of agriculture, humans would be affected by this change but not to an extreme extent. Our vegetation relies more on pollinators like wind instead of bees. Fruits like blueberries and cherries solely rely on bee pollinators which would soon cause a scarcity for these fruits. 

In conclusion, bees are important to the ecosystem and there will be change if they are gone. These bees provide so much to this world that they are a vital part to the earth’s existence. The next time you think to yourself, Ï wish bees would die, remember the importance of this precious creature.