Rainbow Six Siege: Tachanka Rework
Tachanka is one of the oldest operators in Rainbow Six Siege. In the previous season operation Shadow Legacy Tachanka received a rework which changed his main ability to a grenade launcher. Tachanka used to have a mounted LMG DP-27 as his ability but now since his new rework his new primary weapon is the LMG DP-27 which does 47 damage and has a 550 fire rate. Tachanka’s gun has unique ability where he can make rotations in walls by simply shooting at the wall. Tachanka also has another gun which is called the 9x19VSN which does 34 damage and has a fire rate of 750. Tachanka’s secondary weapons are the pmm pistol which does 61 damage and his other pistol is the GSH-18 which does 44 damage. Tachanka has 2 gadgets you can choose from one of them is barbed wire and the other is a proximity alarm which is a sensor that triggers an alarm when enemies are within range.
Overall Tachanka needed this rework because he really wasn’t that useful but now with his new gadget he can now focus on defending the site or blocking areas off with his fire.