Using CRISPR Technology to Cure Cancer
Image of cancer cells
A strong gene-editing technology known as CRISPR has now made tremendous steps towards finding the cure to cancer. As shown by leading scientist Edward Stadtmauer, from the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, U.S. researchers now have the capability of using this new discovery. Tests have now been administered on human patients, and the results appear to be, “very promising” according to Stadtmauer. While similar tests have been done in China, this is one of few U.S. studies to involve CRISPR. To view the findings of another such test, visit the website below.
This relates to engineering in many ways. For one, the researchers had to engineer the modified CRISPR cells before injecting them into the patient. They also were required to test and improve their methods using the Engineering Design Process in order to reach their goal.
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