Source: berniedup
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This is a very weird and extraordinary fish. The Houndfish has a beak that looks like a crocodile. The color of the sides is silver and the backside has green and blue shades. The underside is generally white. Houndfish do not have spines, instead it has soft rays. This fish is found in oceans across the world. In West Atlantic region they inhabit from United States to Brazil and in the East Atlantic region, they are found near the African coastline. In the Pacific region they range from the North of Japan down to New South Wales (Australia). They also inhabit the Indian Ocean. Houndfish swim in 2 to 30 feet of water. Houndfish eat small fish including anchovy and fly fish. Fisherman love fishing for this fish because it is a very fun fish to catch. It fights really hard and even jumps when your fighting it. They are also known for biting fishermen because of their aggressive actions.

This fish has blue meat and green bones. This meat and bones can be deadly if consumed. It is known to cause viruses and eventually kill people. Do not eat this fish. It is a well known for its weirdly shaped body and fisherman absolutely love this fish because of the amazing fight they put up.