Promo photo of HoverGlide Backpack. Photo Source:
Promo photo of HoverGlide Backpack. Photo Source:

HoverGlide: World’s First Floating Backpack

February 12, 2020

This new, revolutionary backpack reduces impact strain by 86%. This makes the backpack feel a lot lighter then it actually is.

With the HoverGlide backpack, your hikes will require less metabolic energy. This means that you are able to run much farther while consuming less energy, all while carrying more gear. Another side benefit is that the threat of injury from backpack strain is much less, due to the backpack’s gliding nature. This prevents it from putting strain on a persons shoulders and back. Unfortunately, this backpack costs $350-$450, so it is much more expensive than an ordinary, run-of-the-mill backpack. This backpack had to be designed, created, and engineered by experts.

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