The Goldilocks Zone is also known as the ‘Habitable Zone’ and the reason behind its name, is that it is just right for water to remain liquid outside of Earth. The planets in the Goldilocks Zone are just the perfect distance away. If a planet is too close, the water would turn to steam, if the planet were too far, it would turn into ice. However, just because a planet is in the Habitable zone does not mean it can sustain life, it depends on the atmosphere as well.
There are 16 planets out of the 1,780 confirmed planets that reside in the goldilocks zone. One of them is known as Kepler-186f. It was one of the first confirmed Earth-sized planets in the habitable zone that orbits a distant star. However, even if Kepler-186f is able to contain water in a liquid state, it is purely speculative whether it contains water or not, it is also too far away for its atmosphere to be analyzed.