Background Info:
In the 1950s, the United States embarked on a top-secret initiative known as Project Sundial, much of which remains classified to this day. The audacious goal of this project was to develop a single nuclear bomb so powerful that it could obliterate all of human civilization. Conceived by the brilliant yet controversial scientist Edward Teller, Sundial was designed to have an energy equivalent to 10 billion tons of TNT, an unimaginable force that dwarfed the destructive power of all bombs used during World War II.
What is “Project Sundial”
The concept of completely initiating human civilization to a halt, gave rise to Project Sundial, a weapon intended to function as a “backyard bomb” capable of annihilating the entire planet as we know it. While many aspects of Sundial remain classified, it is believed to weigh approximately 2,000 tons and possess explosive capabilities comparable to 10 billion tons of TNT.
Physicist Edward Teller had grand aspirations. He aimed not just to develop the hydrogen bomb but to create a weapon so formidable that it would render all other weapons obsolete—one so destructive that it would eliminate the possibility of war.
Nevertheless, the repercussions of deploying such a weapon would be unfathomable. If Sundial were ever activated, it would generate an enormous fireball roughly 50 kilometers in diameter, vaporizing everything within a 400-kilometer range. The explosion might even cause a significant earthquake with a potential magnitude of 9.0. Moreover, the aftermath would likely result in a severe nuclear winter, devastating crops and contaminating water supplies globally.
Teller envisioned that by creating the ultimate weapon, he could prevent wars from occurring altogether.
Edward Teller: “The Architect of Destruction”
Edward Teller was a Hungarian physicist known for his crucial role in the development of nuclear weapons, particularly the hydrogen bomb. He advocated for its creation due to concerns about the military power of the Soviet Union. In 1952, his ideas came to actuality with the successful testing of the first hydrogen bomb on a Pacific island, resulting in significant destruction. Subsequent versions of hydrogen bombs were up to 1,000 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, which heightened global fears about their potential for annihilation. Teller aimed to create something larger, more advanced, and more destructive, striving for a weapon capable of mass devastation.
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